Os Cursos EVER Escolas (European Values Education Resources for Schools) foram criados para apoiar Professores do Ensino Básico e Secundário, Administradores/Gestores Escolares e as próprias Escolas, para :
- Aumentar a sua capacidade e competências para ensinar e promover a aquisição de valores positivos, e as suas abordagens e metodologias educativas nos campos da educação social, emocional e cívica.
- Apoiar a implementação de um programa educativo mais eficaz, que lhes permitirá monitorizar, avaliar e aplicar acções estratégicas nacriação de um ambiente de aprendizagem melhor, mais inclusivo e enriquecedor, combatendo eficazmente o baixo desempenho académico, o abandono escolar precoce e a exclusão.
Os Cursos EVER Escolas são um dos resultados intelectuais do Projecto EVER SCHOOLS - European Values Education Resources for Schools, co-financiado pelo Programa ERASMUS+ da União Europeia, Acção-chave 2 Cooperação para a Inovação e o Intercâmbio de Boas Práticas, Parcerias Estratégicas para a Educação Escolar, ao abrigo do acordo de subvenção nº 22018-1-FR01-KA201-048156.
Matrice d'Apprentissage Sensibilisation, Connaissance, Compétence
(Version Française)
Paz e Respeito pela Diversidade são valores centrais da União Europeia, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do indivíduo e para assegurar a coesão social e o bem-estar da sociedade.
O complexo contexto político e social na Europa salienta a necessidade de dar maior ênfase à aquisição dos valores positivos que a Cidadania Europeia Engloba, tais como o Respeito pelos Direitos Humanos, Tolerância, Não-Violência Ativa, Cooperação e Responsabilidade Social.
O principal objetivo do projeto é promover a capacitação, participação, cidadania ativa e a coesão social, através da promoção de atitudes e comportamentos individuais específicos, tais como a confiança, o respeito pelos outros, a confiança na relação causal do esforço individual - sucesso pessoal e realização - bem-estar social, capacitando assim os jovens e promovendo a educação inclusiva e a tolerância.
O ensino de competências transversais, contudo, requer uma abordagem transversal, a qual, por sua vez requer que professores, formadores, monitores de juventude e outros, alterem a forma como tradicionalmente trabalham, permitindo uma maior colaboração interdisciplinar e transcultural no desenvolvimento de metodologias de formação apropriadas e na concordância com resultados de aprendizagem específicos.
A. A matriz de Aprendizagem, representando a primeira fase do projecto, onde:
- Foi feita uma análise aprofundada do actual "Estado da Arte" nos países parceiros, centrando-se no sistema educativo implementado e no estatuto da educação dos Valores da Educação para a Paz
- Foram elaborados questionário dirigidos a Estudantes, Professores e Administradores/Gestores Escolares para compreender os seus pontos de vista sobre as questões abordadas no projecto
- Construiu-se um Quadro Metodológico do Programa Educativo proposto pelo projeto, abrangendo as Dimensões Sensibilização - Conhecimento - Competência, bem como o conteúdo, qualidade e combinação de abordagens, ferramentas e meios a serem utilizados na abordagem de cada uma das dimensões de aprendizagem acima referidas.
B. O Curso de Formação Ever Training, o principal resultado do projecto, composto pelos seguintes módulos principais:
- Diversidade e Migração
- Os direitos cívicos e o poder dos indivíduos comuns de trazer mudanças
- Ambiente
- Sociedade e Política
- Economia e Crescimento
- Tecnologia, Inovação e Globalização.
C. Uma Plataforma Web Educativa Multilingue, aberta a contribuições do público e com os seguintes objectives:
- Um Kit de Formação contendo dois recursos de formação que serão produzidos tanto em formato impresso como electrónico, para permitir uma grande utilização da metodologia de formação e equipar professores e formadores com as ferramentas e abordagens necessárias para a sua implementação.
- Página web oficial do projecto;
- Recurso Educativo, contendo as directrizes para a abordagem implementada na formação do projecto, a metodologia, o programa de formação, os resultados e a análise dos resultados alcançados pelas peças de formação.
- Uma Plataforma de Comunicação, para comunicação intercultural e intercâmbio de boas práticas
- Uma E-Library contendo ligações e recursos úteis relacionados com capacidades transversais, competências, aprendizagem e ensino
EVER Kick-off Meeting
On November 28 – 29, 2018 representatives of five European organizations met in Charleville-Mezieres, France, for the start of the Erasmus+ KA2 project European Values Education Resource for Schools (EVER-Schools).
The event was organized by the project lead partner – Via Charlemagne, Cultural Route of the Council of Europe - and was attended by two participants from each of the 4 partner organizations. During the event, the representatives of the participating organizations finalized the consortium’s working schedules, management, evaluation and dissemination procedures, as well as the organizational, methodological, and pedagogical approaches for the development of the main outputs of the project.
The EVER Schools project main objective is to promote the acquisition of the positive, life-affirming values European citizenship encompasses, such as respect for human rights, tolerance, active non-violence, cooperation and social responsibility. The project’s main goal is to promote empowerment, participation, active citizenship and social cohesion, with the main focus on disadvantaged youth and young people at risk of exclusion, as it places great emphasis on the acquisition of the positive, life-affirming values of European citizenship encompasses, such as respect, tolerance, active non-violence, cooperation and social responsibility.
The initiative focuses on fostering specific individual attitudes and behaviours, such as trust, respect for others, confidence in the causal relationship of individual effort - personal success and fulfilment – societal welfare, thus empowering young people and promoting inclusive education and social cohesion and tolerance.
Teaching transversal competencies, however, requires a cross-curricular approach, which in its turn requires trainers and youth workers, not only to change the way they traditionally work but also demands increased cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration on developing appropriate training methodologies and agreeing on specific learning outcomes.
The project will develop a series of activities and tools, for the benefit of school teachers and students, with a special focus on learners coming from a disadvantaged background.
The tools and approaches that will be developed and used during the project will provide teachers with a coherent but multifaceted methodology of raising awareness on important issues, active learning and generation of new knowledge through the interactive exchange, and practical demonstration and application of the latter. Thus, the project will equip teachers with the competencies and methods needed for transferring the common fundamental values of our society particularly to the hard-to-reach young people and to prevent social isolation.
The EVER SCHOOL PROJECT was developed by Association Redefine Team in cooperation with The Cultural Route of the Council of Europe "Via Charlemagne " and is funded by the European programme Erasmus+, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for School Education.
The initiative gathers partners from five European Countries:
- Cultural Route of the Council of Europe Via Charlemagne France.
- Association Redefine, Portugal
- Free Youth Center, Bulgaria
- I.I.S. 'E. Majorana - A. Cascino, Italy
- Fundacija Autokreacija, Poland
The first week of December 2019 was an interesting and enriching one. We had the chance to welcome School Teachers, Non-Profit Organisations Representatives, Decision-Makers, Cultural and Remembrance Organisations Leaders for a full seven days of meetings, training activities and discussions
The occasion? Joining together to discuss and implement an innovative way in teaching European Values and the Heritage of 20th Century Wars to the Young Generations.
The series of events were organised with the financial support of the European Union through two funded projects:
- The Project EVER-Schools, financed by the "Erasmus Plus Programme" of the European Union, aiming to create innovative pedagogical tools in European values education for teachers to use in schools.
- The Project Revision, financed by the "Europe for Citizens Programme", aiming at raising awareness among Decision Makers and Local Authorities on the importance of values education and remembrance through a series of 6 international conferences.
Together, these events allowed us to gather together nearly 200 participants from 7 European countries.
The events week started with the EVER SCHOOLS SECOND PROJECT MEETING, where the managing staff for met to discuss and review the development of the project until this moment, as well as to review and update the management and working plan ahead. Right after the meeting, the TRAINING EVENT (C1) followed.
The first three days of the C1 training event was attended by the representatives of the partner organisations plus two school teachers from each partner country. During the training, we focused on two main subjects. The first three, days we worked first on the digital platform and its functionalities. We, the Portuguese partner provided training to all other partners teaching them how to use the pedagogical and administrative tools of the platform. We worked on managing subscriptions, inscribing students, managing courses, classes and assignments, we also worked on how to create courses, activities, tasks and assignments looking at different possibilities digital learning offers us. We uploaded together some content and experimented with improving changing and testing different formats. Then we discussed the contents of the course.
Also, as we already had the survey results from IO1, we discussed their findings and how to improve the courses that we were all working on, taking this data into consideration. We identified together where the knowledge gaps are and the difficulties faced, and we discussed how to adjust our courses according to where the weaknesses in educational outcomes were uncovered.
The last day of the training was open to the public, and we were joined by the international participants for the project Revision, as well as by representatives of the local institutions in Setubal, Portugal. Together we discussed the importance of transmitting the memory of the past to young people and how different stakeholders can cooperate in order to improve the quality of education in democratic values. We also demonstrated pedagogical activities, learning games, listened to personal stories of survivors of dictatorships from different countries, and to school students’ presentations of the stories of their families.
In order to reward all our guests for their wonderful participation and valuable contributions, we organised a surprise boat trip for all in the beautiful river Sado, where they were able to see the dolphin families inhabiting this area.
In the event took part representatives of :
- Cultural Route of the Council of Europe Via Charlemagne, France
- Association Redefine, Portugal
- Setúbal Academy, Portugal
- Universidade Sénior de Setúbal, Portugal
- Coral Infantil de Setúbal, Portugal
- Municipality of Setúbal, Portugal
- Escola Superior de Educação/ Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal
- Free Youth Center, Bulgaria
- I.I.S. 'E. Majorana - A. Cascino, Italy
- Fundacija Autokreacija, Poland
- Municipality of Setubal, Portugal
- Municipality of Pollina, Italy
- Municipality of Starachowice, Poland
- Municipality of Librazhd, Albania
- Municipality of Haybes, France
- Association of Municipalities of Harghita Country, Romania.
O Consórcio do projeto EVER é composto pelos seguintes parceiros:
Coordenador do projecto:
Parceiros do projecto: